As far as playing games off of it, it works like a charm. The entire transfer was smooth and took little effort. No file degradation, no lost saves, no 'Oh, we can't find that' kind of messages. I experimented by transferring all of my Steam games to the drive and it worked wonders.
It's basically what you would expect from WD, only smaller and sleeker and a ton of space to play with. The drive comes with its own software if you'd like to use it, along with a security system in place and a backup system it can use for your PC.
The device runs off of the power generated from your tower or laptop, whatever you happen to plug it into, so be cautious as to whether or not it can handle the strain of having a storage device using battery power to the side. The device is easy to link up to whatever system you're using, as I plugged it into my personal computer and gaming tower using the 3.0 USB connector. Much like the PS4 version, this one is specifically designed to be a portable system for anyone who needs 4TB of memory.